Joel has been a tremendous blessing in my life, my husband’s, and to our marriage. Over the past six months, we have been working with Joel together as a couple and individually. In that time, we have identified how intimacy anorexia and sexual addiction have impacted our lives, actions, decisions, and relationships.
I’ve been working with Joel for several months now and I can say that I have finally had my eyes opened to the destructive behaviors of the sex addict that I’m married to. For years I have felt so crazy and so alone in my marriage but with the help of Joel I’ve been able to identify the issues of my spouse along with working on my own issues.
When I first started with Joel at Restoring Hearts, I was in an extremely emotionally distraught place in my life. Having worked through personal trauma up to this point in a variety of ways – medications, talk therapy, groups, and on my own – I had reached another plateau of confusion. A familiar question arose for me: “Why does this (situation, behavior, emotional distress) keep happening?” Read More

Is Your Spouse Cold… Distant…. Disconnected…
Do You Feel Unwanted, Unloved & Ignored

Are you in pain from your spouse’s sexual behaviors or Intimacy Anorexia?
Meet Joel & Megan
My name is Joel Karsjens. My wife, Megan and I have been married since 2016. Together we have nine children – eight girls and one son. We live in Austin, Minnesota, otherwise known as “Spamtown, USA”. I grew up a country boy between the little Minnesota towns of Clarks Grove and Hollandale. I enjoyed the rural life – dirt bikes, snowmobiles, and waking up to the sights and sounds of deer and cattle and birds. We had a horse, cows, dogs, cats, and even tried our hand at raising chickens that we thought would willingly come to us to be butchered. Didn’t quite work out that way!! It may have had something to do with the fact that they had 20 acres of woods to roam on!! Today I live in a part of town that reminds me of home. We have a river and woods right behind the house and we even have deer, turkeys, and lots of songbirds. Megan and I love our church family. We also enjoy golfing, riding bikes, walking, and anything around water. In addition to that, the kids’ activities and jobs keep us very busy.
I started Restoring Hearts Coaching Services because I saw a need in our churches and communities for men, women, and couples to live free from the effects of sex addiction, intimacy anorexia, and partner trauma. Megan and I know firsthand, through our own recovery, the repercussions these issues can have on someone’s life and family. The negative statistics in and out of the church are incredibly sad. I am committed to helping individuals and couples live a life that is beyond the statistics. A life of freedom to trust, to love and to be loved!! I received my recovery coaching certification through The Addictions Academy. After completing my training and supervision through the American Association for Sex Addiction Therapy, I am Certified as a Sexual Recovery Coach (SRC), Intimacy Anorexia Coach (IAC), Partners Recovery Coach (PRC), and Partners Betrayal Trauma Coach (PBTC).